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31 Oct 2012

The Outer Banks is a resilience place!

Hurricane Sandy has moved out of the Outer Banks. There is nothing but blue skies and nice surf forecasted for the coming days. It just goes to show sometimes it is necessary to weather the storm in order to see the sun again (and  we see the sun again)! The following photographs were taken the day after Hurricane Sandy in Nags Head, NC and Kill Devil Hills, NC. While there were areas of the Outer Banks hit worse than others these photographs are a testament to the fact that no matter what the beauty of the Outer Banks and its beaches always shines through.

Fisherman on Jennette's Pier the morning after Hurricane Sandy


Pelicans skimming the waves


Starfish covered the beaches in Kill Devil Hills,NC


A surfer enjoying some waves post Hurricane Sandy in Nags Head,NC


For more photos check out our flickr account>>>


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